Managing Your Cat’s Thyroid Problems

Thyroid-related diseases such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism generally require lifelong treatment with prescription pet medications. The differences between the two diseases are:
Hypothyroidism occurs when there is a deficiency of hormones produced by the thyroid gland; this disease is mainly common in dogs. Hyperthyroidism is mostly seen in older cats and occurs when excessive amounts of thyroid hormones are produced.
As a pet owner, it’s important to notice any significant changes in your pet’s behavior and appearance. Below are common symptoms for both thyroid-related diseases:
Hypothyroidism: constipation, hair loss, scaly skin, lethargy, weight gain, dull or flat hair.
Hyperthyroidism: excessive appetite, thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, rapid heartbeat, thickened nails, weight loss, unkempt appearance.
Prolonged use of thyroid-related pet medications can potentially cause damage to the liver and kidneys. As a result, our pharmacy specialists recommend including supplements to help prevent further damage including:
- Proanthozone – A powerful antioxidant that helps prevent free radical damage in pets.
- Denamarin Tabs – Contains SAMe, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect liver cells and may also help with cell regeneration and repair.
- Super Pure Omega 3 – Scaly skin and hair loss are among the most noticeable symptoms of Hypothyroid disease. Adding Omega-3 fatty acids can help restore your pet’s skin and coat health, while also supporting organ function.
- NaturVet Digestive Enzymes Plus Probiotic – Helps your pet’s body absorb nutrients in the food your pet eats, which helps with vomiting and diarrhea symptoms. This process also helps to convert the nutrients into energy, which aids with symptoms of lethargy or weakness.