How To Get Your Cat To Play With Toys
Play is essential to maintaining your cat’s physical and mental well-being. But what if your cat isn’t impressed by their collection of catnip mice, feathers-on-a-string, and jingle balls? While some cats are more playful than others, there are some things you can do to help your cat spring into action.
Reasons Why Your Cat Might Not Be Playful
If your cat is a recent addition to your home, they might not feel settled in just yet. It can take up to six months for some cats to show their true personality. Keep trying to play with your cat, but let them be if they don’t join in after a few minutes. Soon enough, they may start to show their playful side.
If your cat is normally playful but their activity has dwindled, there may be an underlying cause. It’s not always obvious when cats feel ill or are in pain. It’s worthwhile to visit your vet for a physical to rule out an illness or injury.
If you’ve had your cat for a while and never seen them play with toys, they might respond to different types of toys or play styles than what you’ve tried in the past. It’s also possible that they feel playful late at night, rather than during the day. If you’re consistent, you might be able to change their play schedule.
How To Make Cat Toys More Alluring
Catnip has a stimulant effect on cats, so catnip infused toys can make your cat feel more playful. You may need to buy fresh catnip if their toys have gone stale. The herb or infused toy can be squeezed to release the intoxicating aromas. Keep in mind, though, that 30-50% of cats do not experience any effects from catnip.
Try purchasing cat toys in a few different sizes and textures. Some cats like long toys that they can “hug” and kick with their back feet. Others love tiny toys that they can carry around in their mouth. Soft plushes, crinkly toys, feathery wands, and flopping fish are all popular favorites.
Having a collection of toys is not enough to kick your cat’s playful instincts into gear. It’s important to bring the toys to life by interacting with them to get your cat interested. Keep in mind how prey moves in the wild. Try slowly pulling a toy along the floor, then making it dart away as your cat looks at it. Or, try making it peek out from under a blanket or inside a tunnel.
Other Ways To Stimulate Your Cat
If your cat simply doesn’t like toys, there are plenty of other ways to engage them. Add vertical space to your home so your cat can climb and explore. Shelves, cat trees, and window perches are all great places for your cat to climb.
Your cat might enjoy exploring the outdoors with the help of safety devices like a leash or a safe enclosed space like a catio. If you can’t take your cat outside, you can set up a bird feeder near a window so they can get a good view of nature while they hang out indoors.