CatsCat Health

How to Prevent Fleas on Your Cat

How to Prevent Fleas on Your Cat

You want the best for your cat, but one of the most irritating things your cat could potentially deal with is a flea outbreak. The severe itching and sometimes bleeding that comes with a flea infestation can be heartbreaking. It can also cause your cat a great deal of discomfort. Secondary conditions such as anemia and contracting tapeworms are also possible with flea infestations. Don’t let this happen. Follow the steps below to help keep fleas off your cat and out of your home.

Use flea treatments routinely
Don’t wait until you see fleas on your cat to use a flea preventative! Using a flea preventative every month can offer increased peace of mind with regard to your cat’s protection against fleas. Whether your cat is on a topical or oral flea preventative, prevention is key!

Treat areas where your cat sleeps
In addition to vacuuming and steam cleaning your carpets, be sure to clean all bedding and linens. Using a room fogger or carpet spray for fleas, treat areas where your cat sleeps, including under and around baseboards and in moldings.

Treat your yard
If your cat spends a lot of time outside, your yard should be treated as well. Virbac Yard Spray kills fleas and ticks in your yard, preventing them from getting onto your cat and into your home.