In humans, lupus is a chronic illness that’s not well understood. This condition also affects dogs, who in addition to experiencing many of the same symptoms, are unable to tell us where it hurts.
In honor of Lupus Awareness Month, learn about the types of lupus that dogs can develop, what symptoms to look out for, and what treatment options are available to help relieve symptoms and achieve remission.
What Exactly is Lupus in Dogs?
Your dog’s immune system is a complex system of cells that identify, target, and attack pathogens that cause infection and illness.
In dogs with lupus, though, the immune system mistakenly attacks the cells that make up organs and tissues in the body.
There are two primary types of lupus that affect dogs:
Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) or skin lupus is the most common type of lupus in dogs. It usually affects the skin, causing symptoms like rashes and hair loss.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is more similar to lupus in humans, though it’s much less common in dogs. It can affect any part of the body and often affects multiple organs, and is more likely to have life-threatening complications like kidney failure and anemia.
What Causes Lupus in Dogs?
It’s not well known why some dogs and people develop lupus. It’s believed to be caused by multiple factors, including genetics, environmental influences, and in rare cases, certain medications prescribed to treat seizures or infections.
Lupus is reportedly more common in certain breeds, including the German Shepherd, Shetland Sheepdog, Chow Cow, Siberian Husky, Afghan Hound, Poodle, and Alaskan Malamute.
Symptoms of Lupus in Dogs
Every dog with lupus is different, and the disease can be unpredictable, attacking different parts of the body with non-specific symptoms.
Symptoms of DLE (Skin) Type Lupus in Dogs
- Scaly, flaky skin
- Itchy skin
- Lesions on nose, face, lips, ears, and/or around eyes
- Changes in skin pigmentation
Symptoms of SLE (Whole Body) Type Lupus in Dogs
- Joint pain and stiffness
- Limping that may shift between different limbs
- Fatigue
- Seizures
- Fever
- Increased thirst/urination (can indicate kidney damage)
- Changes in skin thickness and texture
- Crusty, scabby lesions
- Hair loss
- Loss of skin pigment
How is Lupus Treated in Dogs?
Lupus is incurable and will affect your dog for the rest of their life. However, this chronic condition is manageable, and many dogs with lupus enjoy a relatively normal life once their symptoms are under control.
In dogs with DLE, or skin type lupus, your veterinarian may prescribe topical steroid creams and/or antibiotics as needed to control itching and inflammation. You will also need to keep your dog out of direct sunlight, as sunlight seems to trigger flare-ups.
Dogs with SLE or systemic lupus often need steroids and other immunosuppressants to prevent their immune system from attacking their joints and vital organs. Sometimes, chemotherapy is used to treat pain and to help further suppress the immune system.
Treatments for lupus lower the immune system response, helping to reduce symptoms and even allowing the dog to go into remission. However, this also means the immune system is not as effective at fighting off illnesses, leaving the dog more susceptible to urinary tract infection, respiratory infections, and skin infection.
Around 30% of dogs with SLE will eventually develop immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA), a form of anemia in which the immune system has attacked the body’s red blood cells. IMHA is life threatening and requires hospitalization for treatment with blood transfusions.
Prognosis and Outlook for Dogs with Lupus
Lupus was first diagnosed in dogs in 1965, and it’s still not truly understood. While complex to diagnose, treat, and manage, new research is emerging every year on treatments that can help relieve symptoms and give every dog a chance of achieving long-term remission.
For pet parents, receiving a lupus diagnosis is overwhelming, and can be devastating. But with treatment and management, remission is possible. Dietary and lifestyle changes, new medications, alternative treatments can all help control inflammation, stop pain, and extend the healthy, happy years of dogs with lupus.
Every pet deserves to live a long, happy, healthy life.