Protecting Your Dog Against Heartworms

These are some of the potentially dangerous symptoms of heartworm disease that can occur in pets:
- Mild to severe coughing
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss despite regular eating habits
- Fatigue
- Loss of breath (gasping for air)
As a pet guardian, providing quality pet care to your furry friend is a top priority, so if your pet has any of these symptoms, you should visit your veterinarian. Your veterinarian can perform a simple blood test to determine if your pet has heartworm disease. We carry the top veterinarian-recommended heartworm preventatives to help protect your pet from this potentially deadly disease.
Help prevent your pet from developing heartworm disease by following these three easy steps:
You cannot predict when or where your pet will be exposed to heartworm-carrying mosquitoes, so do not skip a month.
The American Heartworm Society reports that pets are diagnosed with heartworms in all 50 states throughout the year (even in winter). Mosquitoes carrying heartworm disease may be active even in cold weather, so it’s important to make sure your pet is protected year-round.
Infected mosquitoes inject heartworm larvae when they bite your dog’s skin. By killing mosquitoes before they can bite, you may help decrease your pet’s chance of contracting the disease. Flea control products such as K9 Advantix II and are also effective in killing mosquitoes.
Regularly scheduled heartworm exams are necessary to make sure your pet has not contracted heartworm disease, even with prevention.