Shedding in dogs is most commonly attributed to:
- Length of hair/coat (short, medium, or long)
- Coat texture (straight, wavy, or curly)
- Type of dog coat (undercoat present or hairless)
Additional factors related to increased shedding are:
- Exposure to sunlight and temperature, when outdoors
- General health, including nutrition, allergies, and hormones
To help reduce your dog’s shedding, try the following steps:
Groom your dog regularly
Groom your dog often to remove dead hair. To help with shedding, you should also bathe your dog regularly.
Feed a healthy diet
Healthy nutrition plays a large role in maintaining your dog’s skin and coat health. That’s why we recommend feeding your dog a healthy pet food rich in essential vitamins and nutrients. In addition, a daily supplement of Omega 3 can also improve your pet’s skin health and restore a soft, shiny coat.