DogsDog Health

Can Dogs Pass Fleas and Ticks To People?

Can Dogs Pass Fleas and Ticks To People?

Fleas and ticks are some of the most common parasites that pester our pets. But did you know that they can bite humans too? Here’s how you can lie down with the dogs (or the cats!) without waking up with fleas.

Do Fleas Live on People?
If you live in the United States, the fleas that may bite your pets are almost definitely cat fleas. Despite their name, this species can live on both dogs and cats. However, they cannot live on humans. They do, on occasion, hop on us for a quick snack.
Fleas do not tend to jump directly from pets onto humans. They can only hop vertically about 13 inches, allowing them to hop from the floor onto people’s feet and ankles. They’ll then feed for about five minutes and hop back off. A blood meal from a human won’t be enough to allow them to lay eggs, but it will help them survive in your home until they find a furrier, more suitable host.

Are Fleas Harmful To Humans?
Flea bites are usually red and itchy for a few days, then disappear without treatment. In some individuals, though, flea bites can cause an allergic reaction, which can manifest as severe itching, inflammation, or hives.
People and animals can contract a tapeworm infection by ingesting an infected flea. Children and pets are more likely than adult humans to get tapeworms from fleas, as they may put objects in their mouth that have been on the floor.

Do Ticks Pass From Pets to Humans?
Unlike fleas, ticks do not jump, nor do they fly. When they’re looking for a host, they perch on tall grass or shrubbery and stick out their front pair of legs. As a host walks by, they quickly climb aboard. It’s possible, but not common, for you to get ticks by simply spending time near your pets.
Pet parents are more likely than people without pets to find a tick on themselves. But it’s not common for ticks to be passed from a cat or dog to a human. It’s more likely for your pet to pick up ticks in wooded or grassy areas and bring them home. Or, you might be more likely than a pet-free person to spend time in parks and hiking trails where ticks reside.
Most species of ticks thrive in humidity levels of 90 percent or higher. The typical home is much too dry for a tick to survive more than 24 hours, and they usually do not lay eggs indoors. Brown dog ticks are the exception to this rule. They can live out their whole life cycle indoors, and they even crawl into your home through cracks and crevices.

Are Ticks Harmful To Humans?
The same ticks that affect pets can transmit diseases to humans. People can get tick borne infections such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Ehrlichiosis.

Prevent Transmission Of Parasites to Humans
In short, yes, you can get bitten by fleas or ticks that your pets may bring into your home. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have pets, nor do you need to ban your pets from your furniture. Using flea and tick preventatives like Frontline Plus is a reliable first line of defense against parasites.
Most fleas and ticks depend on cats and dogs to complete their life cycle and will not be able to reproduce if they can’t feed on your pets. However, fleas can live for up to nine months without a blood meal, so you’ll need to eliminate them from your environment after your pets have been treated.
Fleas and ticks loven humid, shady areas like tall grass, wood piles, and wooded areas. You can reduce the population of pests by keeping your yard tidy and eliminating areas where they may nest. When it comes to fleas, you’ll need to treat your home to keep them from coming back.